I can now say I have disected a bull frog. I located the external naves and tympanum. I used a scalpel, scissors and pins to graphically pull the frogs skin and muscle away from its body and proceeded to identify the heart, lungs, kidneys etc. This was so fantastic, it I ever have to teach science at this level I am definately purchasing this animation software. I couldn't believe I was engaged at 11 o'clock at night disecting a frog. This would work so well in a class. It could be used before the real procedure as a what to expect lesson and for those who do not want to participate in the real thing, this is a fantastic alternative.
Edward de Bono (2007) claims creative thinking to be a skill but it must have value. It means thinking outside the box, developing an idea outside the "normal behaviour" or "usual thinking". Students benefit from being exposed to many different learning styles. Creating animationa and simulations allow children to creatively express their ideas. Robinson (2000) says Education takes us into the future and creativity is as important as literacy . All students should be given the opportunity to experience and enjoy success in the classroom and with the techonlogies available today there are no excuses.
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